2017 Compliance Salary Survey: How Do Fund Managers Compare?

Chief compliance officers (CCOs) in the financial services industry rank fourth in terms of total compensation, according to a new compensation survey by the Society of Corporation Compliance and Ethics. In addition, the survey – which addresses pay rates as they relate to job responsibilities, title, type of organization, education level, geographic location and a variety of other factors – found, among other things, that the legal and regulatory field lacks ethnic diversity (the majority of survey respondents identified themselves as white) and that the vast majority of those in the field, from the CCO on down, are working without benefit of an employment contract. This article analyzes the details of the survey and its principal findings. See “Hedge Fund Manager Compensation Survey Looks at 2014 Compensation Levels, Job Satisfaction and Hiring Trends” (Jan. 22, 2015); and “Greenwich Associates and Johnson Associates Annual Compensation Report Shows Strength at Traditional Asset Managers Relative to Hedge Funds” (Nov. 6, 2014).

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