This return-to-work checklist is designed to help fund managers balance health and safety concerns with privacy and other legal considerations, which can be overwhelming when managers are implementing plans to get employees back into a physical workplace. The checklist has been derived from the Private Equity Law Report’s in-depth series on how to facilitate a safe and privacy compliant return to work – which featured commentary from privacy leaders at Mastercard, Johnson Controls, Orrick, Dentons and Gibson Dunn – as well as from a panel presentation by Fenwick & West at the 2020 Privacy + Security Forum. For more coverage of the coronavirus pandemic, see “Insurance in the Pandemic: Overcoming Insurer Roadblocks to File Successful Claims for Business Interruption Losses (Part One of Two)” (Jul. 28, 2020); and “Post‑Pandemic Business Continuity Planning: Items to Revise in a BCP and Third-Party Factors to Consider (Part Two of Two)” (Jun. 30, 2020).