Unique Considerations for Institutional Investors to Achieve 2020 GIPS Compliance

A lot of attention has been directed at the steps asset managers can take to comply with the CFA Institute’s recently updated Global Investment Performance Standards (2020 GIPS standards). The standards can also be adopted by others, however, and an increasing number of institutional investors are pursuing that path. It is thus important to understand differences in how institutional investors can achieve GIPS compliance compared to asset managers. A recent webinar presented by ACA Compliance Group (ACA) outlined the purpose and evolution of the GIPS standards; the fundamentals of the 2020 GIPS standards as it relates to institutional investors; GIPS reports; and future trends in this area. The program featured Jeffrey Lieser, manager of investment performance at State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio, as well as Alicia Hyde Spencer and Douglas Finlay, partner and director, respectively, at ACA. This article summarizes the key takeaways from the webinar. For additional commentary from ACA, see our two-part series “12 Most Common Compliance Failings for U.K. Firms and How to Avoid Them”: Part One (Sep. 17, 2019); and Part Two (Sep. 24, 2019).

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